I like dancing.
I have studied belly dance, Flamenco, Bollywood, and Persian classical dance with an emphasis in Azeri folk dance.
“Le Premier Printemps”
A variety show that I co-produced in May 2014, Le Premier Printemps was a re-telling of the Greek myth of Persephone. The following is a dance I co-choreographed along with Caroline Gauthier for the show. In this dance Persephone is reunited with her mother Demeter, and the two women welcome spring. The dance was influenced by the Bujnoodi, Bandari, Baluchi and Azeri folk dances of Iran, with music by Farrokh Vahabzadeh.
Dance reel
The following is a clip from a dance performance I was a part of with the Iranian Folk Dance Ensemle Khorshid Khanoom, under the direction and tutelage of Aram Bayot
Movement and Dance Training
TUAHU (Butoh based performance workshop) – Charles Koroneho
Azeri Folk Dance – Ata Taghazideh, Lale Javanshir Qocabeyli, Samad Pourmusavi
Khorshid Khanoom Persian Dance Group – Aram Bayot
Bellydance – Rahma Hadad
Flamenco – Julia Christina School of Flamenco
Bollywood dance – Amrita Choudhury
Movement – Conrad Alexandrovitch (VFS)